What the Enneagram Means for My Business

What the Enneagram Means for My Business

If you don’t know what the Enneagram is, or if you don’t know your number yet, do yourself a favor and head to this test to find out - it will be life-changing, I promise! In short, it’s a personality test based on different numbers (they’re not rankings!) that will tell you a lot about yourself, how you relate to others, and how others relate to you.

The first step for me was to find out my number, and from there I got Nathan to take the same test - y’all, it changed my marriage! I finally understood that some of his quirks aren’t just Nathan-isms, and many of them are shared by other people for the same core reason. It gave me more compassion towards him and a deeper understanding of what makes him tick and what makes him shut down.

For those who are curious, I am a 3 (The Achiever) and Nathan is a 5 (The Investigator). Here’s a little bit more about my personality, as the test I took explains…

It's Not Up to Me

It's Not Up to Me

Like a lot of people, I struggle with guilt. Being a wife, business owner, parent, or even just a human being brings up all kinds of emotions. I think about the ‘what ifs’ and ‘could have beens’ a lot, and I often take on burdens I was never made to bear. For me, this has particularly happened when I began life as a mother just two years ago. I felt guilty when I worked instead of playing with Willow. I felt guilty when I felt like I was neglecting my business. I struggled when I dropped her off at YMCA childcare to try and work, and I felt even worse when I lost my temper towards her because I had to get something done and her needs interfered with mine.

From the first day I called Nathan in tears because I felt like I couldn’t handle having a baby and a business, he suggested we look into daycare options. I stubbornly refused. Part of the reason is because I wanted to own a business so that I could work from home and spend more time with my kids. Part of the reason is because with adoption, early bonding is crucial to having a safe and loving home environment for a child who experienced trauma at too early of an age…

StitchFix vs. ThredUp...which one is better? | Personal

StitchFix vs. ThredUp...which one is better? | Personal

Part of the beauty in this blog is that I get to write not just about photography, but also about so much of my life…and some of the most popular I have written are the most surprising, like my blog on the best alternatives to Tieks! So here is my latest venture in trying new things so you can read about what I liked, what I didn’t, and what I’ll do in the future.

A few weeks ago, a friend was wearing an outfit that looked SO good on her, yet it was one I didn’t imagine her picking out for herself. When I asked her, she started raving about StitchFix and how her stylist had put together the perfect recommendations. I was hooked by the idea - I love a good, polished outfit but I am often unsure how pieces fit together, and I need a little help to make one piece of clothing look even more amazing by what I wear with it. With a $25 discount in hand from her affiliate link, I went online to sign up for my box…