If you don’t know what the Enneagram is, or if you don’t know your number yet, do yourself a favor and head to this test to find out - it will be life-changing, I promise! In short, it’s a personality test based on different numbers (they’re not rankings!) that will tell you a lot about yourself, how you relate to others, and how others relate to you.
The first step for me was to find out my number, and from there I got Nathan to take the same test - y’all, it changed my marriage! I finally understood that some of his quirks aren’t just Nathan-isms, and many of them are shared by other people for the same core reason. It gave me more compassion towards him and a deeper understanding of what makes him tick and what makes him shut down.
For those who are curious, I am a 3 (The Achiever) and Nathan is a 5 (The Investigator). Here’s a little bit more about my personality, as the test I took explains…