It’s been a strange season of life for a lot of people, but when I think about handling the unexpected, those who are pregnant and giving birth right now always come to my mind. Of course, this is probably because my little sister Megan is expecting a baby boy at the end of August, and this pregnancy has come with far more ups and downs than is usual to say the least! She and Josiah, her husband of just over two years, have handled the changes with grace and hope. They have been understandably disappointed in some areas without denying their feelings, and yet their faith in God and their unity in marriage has never been more evident, either.
Adoption Mini Sessions, Part 1 // Smithfield, Virginia Family Photographer
Last weekend was one to remember! On the most gorgeous day in October I could've hoped for, ten families met me to take pictures as they supported our adoption. There were families of all ages and sizes - from a couple barely a year into marriage, to a family of six, to a whole bunch of cute dogs, the variety of people from all stages and walks of life was incredible.
I am so amazed that there was such an incredible response to our announcement, and to the mini sessions themselves! I remember right before I hit publish on my blog, wondering aloud to Nathan if ANYONE would sign up. And here I am, with 10 down and 9 more to go this weekend, blown away by the love people have shown us.
So I hope I've done justice to these families who have become a part of our story! It's hard to choose just 5 or 10 images to send, let alone one or two from the blog, but I've narrowed it down to my absolutely favorites. The only thing more exciting than this is that I'll have even more to share next week!
Best of 2013 // Hampton Roads Photographer
I have LITERALLY been looking forward to this post the whole year (Parks & Rec, anyone?). With each portrait session and wedding, I've become a stronger, more confident photographer who can deliver better images. I'll be honest - launching my business was terrifying! And really, it still is. I get nervous before each portrait session, and before each wedding, and every time I get a new inquiry...the list goes on. I've realized, though, that I'm not nervous because I'm afraid I can't deliver stunning images. It's because I want to get better each time I click the shutter, and I want each of you to see that progress.
I know I can tell my improvement throughout the year, and I hope you can, too. I'm excited for 2014 and all that it will bring. Have a wonderful New Year and enjoy some of my favorites from 2013!