The Greatest Hits of Summer 2018 | Personal

The Greatest Hits of Summer 2018 | Personal

Summer is, hands down, my favorite season. It's rare that you'll hear me complaining about anything because I love it all - the long days, the heat, the weddings, all that happens in our community, and the way everything is better when you go outside on a sunny day. Each summer has looked so different (last year we welcomed Willow home and I took a trip to Slovenia!), but each one carries memories that I will never forget. Here are the highlights from the summer of 2018…

Nine Years Ago | Personal

Nine Years Ago | Personal

Dear Nathan,
I almost don't recognize us. Nine years ago today we started dating - although it took us a few days to make it Facebook official ;) I'll never forget looking at you over the steak dinner we were sharing and thinking I knew you so well, not realizing how much I had to learn. I'll never forget how you told me you were interested in me - I was sitting in Cape Town, South Africa, on a chair overlooking the water, and you were squarely in Virginia, using your internship money for long-distance phone cards.

When you worked up the nerve to tell me you liked me, I just laughed and told you I already knew that…

Finding My Voice (in Prayer) | Personal

Finding My Voice (in Prayer) | Personal

pressing moments of the day or even random thoughts that happen to distract me. When that happens and I realize I'm no longer praying but simply thinking about things big and small, I often get frustrated and discouraged. After all, I am firmly convinced it is one of the most important things in my life, so how could I get off-track so quickly?!

In view of that, I actually started praying that I would 'get better' at praying…