My Biggest Mistake as a Mom | Monday Musings

My Biggest Mistake as a Mom | Monday Musings

Many blogs are difficult for me to write (see a couple here and here), but this one is surprisingly easy. The idea came after I spent a weekend with family talking about life, motherhood, and what I've learned along the way. The road has been surprisingly easy, even if the newborn phase was hard in a lot of ways, and I am truly thankful for the little girl sleeping ever so sweetly upstairs right now. She has rocked my world in the best way.

The thing about any transition - whether moving, a new job, or marriage is that it can bring out the best and the worst in a person. Transitions are difficult. They make us rise to the challenge and reveal where we struggle to face what lies ahead. My biggest transition of the last year has been becoming a mom. In just 7 short months I have made countless mistakes and in the spirit of honesty - and showing that a beautiful life doesn't mean everything is easy - I wanted to share my biggest mistake today.

I could say that my biggest mistake is...

I Got Hired for a Wedding...Now What??? | Business

I Got Hired for a Wedding...Now What??? | Business

In the span of just a couple days, I had multiple photographers ask me - separately! - the same question. These ladies have taken senior and family portraits here and there, but have never dived deep into the world of wedding photography. They were nervous about the pressure but excited about the prospect of trying a brand new aspect of their art. I sat down with one and chatted with another about the next steps, and after having several conversations in one week, I decided this could be a great topic for the blog. So, if you are thinking about photographing a wedding, or if you’ve already been hired to do so and you aren’t sure where to begin, this one’s for you!

The Top 5 Questions about Willow | Personal

The Top 5 Questions about Willow | Personal

I truly wish adoption was more common and normal and that everyone at least considered the possibility, but right now I am grateful for the leaps and bounds made in the last few decades. Being adopted is no longer shameful or taboo, and the amount of people who have celebrated our family’s addition is incredible. The kindness everyone has shown completely overwhelms us in the best possible way.

For those not familiar with the process (which is most people!) I realized I tend to answer the same questions over and again. While I never mind doing that, I thought I would write down all the answers for those who have not yet gotten to ask – or might be too scared of saying something wrong! So that you can know more about adoption and we can celebrate the gift of Willow, here are the five most common questions people ask about our baby girl...