monday musings

I Survived...a Story of No Training, the Flu, and a Marathon | Monday Musings

I Survived...a Story of No Training, the Flu, and a Marathon | Monday Musings

If you haven’t noticed over the last 6 (!!!) years of my blogs, I love talking about what I’m doing and what’s coming up, especially when there’s a big event on the horizon. When I was training for my last half marathon, I chronicled a lot of the training runs over on my Instagram stories. So it shocked more than a few people when I posted last week that I had just finished my first ever marathon. Here’s the story behind the surprise!

All the way back in May 2017, some friends in our Bible study group decided to sign up for the 2018 One City Marathon and spur each other on during the long training runs. Always up for a challenge, and one of the few in the group who already enjoyed long runs, I enthusiastically signed up and began to chart out my training plan. I signed up for a half marathon in the fall and trained so well I crushed it, placing first in my age category and third among women.

In the meantime, though, one big piece of life changed…

I Never Thought I'd Do this, But... | Personal

I Never Thought I'd Do this, But... | Personal

I think you can easily guess the topic for this blog post. Through the years, especially prior to becoming a parent, there are things I swore I would never do. This involved a certain amount of pride (are my standards really that much higher than everyone else’s?) and just some general ignorance about why I might make decisions in one way versus another. In the interest of full disclosure and my constant pursuit of humility (and humor), I thought I would look back on some of the things I promised not to do…and have since decided there is a better way :) Enjoy a blog at my expense!

1) I swore I would never be religious about nap time…

My NEW Morning Routine | Monday Musings

My NEW Morning Routine | Monday Musings

One of the more surprisingly popular blogs I've written was about my morning routine. While I had been committed to this routine for a long time, I hit 'publish' less than a month after Willow came home, not knowing how much my life would change in a few short weeks. The newborn phase, as some of you know, is difficult, but as much as possible I tried to stay faithful to what I had already been doing. I figured that if I could keep good habits going it would serve me well in the future and during the transition.

Somehow, despite sleepless nights and comforting a baby in the early hours of the morning, I was usually able to drag myself out of bed and make it to the gym so I could have a semblance of normalcy in my life. Sleep deprivation is something I would never wish on anyone, yet it's a reality for new parents. The funny thing is that I was able to function (though not well, in some areas) enough to keep a rhythm. However, life since then has shifted and I've had to make adjustments to my schedule as Willow gets older. I know now that this 'routine' will be constantly moving as life adjusts, but here is what my current 'normal' is...