The five of them - Joe, Leslie, Jalen, Aiden, and Austin - met me on a gorgeous Friday at Newport News park just two weeks after Austin was born. Leslie shared with me that she had several complications with her pregnancy, and at times it was a little scary to think about all the could-be's and what-if's. But, nonetheless, Austin came into this world as a happy, healthy, baby with the fullest head of red hair you ever did see.
Watching Leslie become a new mother has been a beautiful thing to witness. Her care for her little one is obvious in every smile, and in every gesture. Aiden is growing in his role every day as a new big brother, and one of the sweetest moments was when he held Austin, looking at him like he was too perfect to be real.
Seeing this family grow from four to five is truly an honor. Through all the sleepless nights and dirty diapers, this mother wouldn't give the hard parts up for anything. I am so blessed to have met such a beautiful, loving family, and I can't wait to see each one of them grow with each other in their lives together.