Top 10 Best Wedding Venues in Hampton Roads | Business

Top 10 Best Wedding Venues in Hampton Roads | Business

I’m thankful to have the privilege to travel up and down the East Coast for weddings, but I’m also proud to say that I photograph a lot of weddings right here in the Hampton Roads area. I moved here five years ago but I did not truly get to know my surroundings until I became a wedding and family photographer. Driving all over our little area for engagement sessions, family sessions, and weddings has made me fall in love with the 757.

It’s difficult to choose my few favorite wedding venues for a blog post, and I know there are so many places I get to shoot this year that I am sure this list will grow over time! That said, here are the ten best wedding venues in Hampton Roads that I have visited so far - with one honorable mention!

My Other Five Jobs | Business

My Other Five Jobs | Business

This little blog has always been a place where I can share about so much more than photography. I’ve written about our adoption journey, our marriage, our moves, and how life has changed over the past several years. Yet there’s one piece of my life that I haven’t shared in the interest of keeping photography as the focal point, but I think it’s finally time!

Truth is, I’ve been doing a lot more than just wedding and family photography for the last six years. Various jobs have come and gone, but a lot of my time is spent not just booking sessions and editing pictures, but filling out the role of digital and social media marketing for a number of different clients as well. I’ve never advertised this or even talked about it, but slowly the opportunities have grown, and since I truly enjoy this side of my business I’ve never been able to turn them down! So, in addition to photography, here are the other things I’m doing right now…

Behind the Scenes in 2018 | Business

Behind the Scenes in 2018 | Business

I think I often come across as serious and thoughtful in my online home. I try to make my blog and social media posts worthwhile and thus, they often result in a less-than-complete representation of my life. The truth is, Nathan and I love to have fun, especially around each other. On wedding days we can be intense and goofy from one minute to the next. When I get too serious or too stressed about timing, Nathan strikes a pose for light testing so I can’t help but crack up. When we get to the reception and everyone is a little more relaxed, we follow suit.

This blog, more than any others, is an accurate picture of the highs, lows, and hilarity of a wedding day. Our goal is to photograph the most joyful people on the best day of their lives with as little stress as possible. This results in a lot of shenanigans, laughter, joking, and some sarcasm thrown into the mix. It also results in both of us competing to capture less-than-flattering pictures of each other, all in the name of joking and an epic end of year blog post!

Enjoy a laugh at our expense and if you think this is funny, I can’t even begin to describe what the actual wedding day is like…