foil and ink

A Brand New Maria Grace Photography + A Giveaway! | Business

A Brand New Maria Grace Photography + A Giveaway! | Business

It's finally here! I've been thinking about this day for months, and it feels so surreal that it has finally arrived. I'm so excited to announce my NEW brand, created by the incredible Jacki from Foil & Ink - seriously, check out her work. She's amazing!

There are a few things I want to say about my new brand, and my reasoning behind the logo, colors, and overall feel..

Choosing the Right Designer | Business

Choosing the Right Designer | Business

I mentioned a couple weeks ago that I was hitting the tail end of the rebrand process, and since then I've continued to work hard at getting it all together. I'm excited to announce that the BIG reveal will be this upcoming Tuesday, November 3! Mark your calendar and set a reminder because not only am I rebranding, I'm also completely changing my website as well. Additionally, there will be one giveaway on the blog and another giveaway on get ready!

Probably the biggest decision of the entire rebrand process was how to choose my graphic designer. I did not think this would be difficult, but it proved a daunting task. Should I choose someone based on a friend's recommendation? If they were new, could I trust them with my site? How do I make sure I don't just end up with the same logo as 15 other people before me? I had all this swirling around in my head as I reached out to dozens of graphic designers...

A Fresh Start + A Little Announcement | Business

A Fresh Start + A Little Announcement | Business

Well, I'll just come straight out and say it...last month I started the rebranding process! I've had the same logo since the very beginning of my business, and have stuck with it despite seemingly everyone else getting a new logo, colors, and a fresh face. The reason I have kept my same logo this whole time is two-fold:
1) I honestly really like it! My graphic designer friend made it for me a couple years back and it was perfect for where I was when I started. I still like it up to this point.
2) I didn't want to get a new logo just to do what everyone else was doing. I felt like I needed time to get to know myself and my photography style fully before slapping a new face on my brand, because I didn't want to change my mind again the next year.