new york city bridal fashion week

My New York Bridal Fashion Week Adventure | Personal

My New York Bridal Fashion Week Adventure | Personal

At first I considered naming this blog "that one time I met Martha Stewart" but I figured since my trip encompassed several DAYS I would focus on the fact that I got to go to New York Bridal Fashion Week instead! More on that story later...

As the features editor for Tidewater and Tulle, a local wedding blog, I am often given amazing opportunities thanks to my boss and friend Chelsea. When she asked if I wanted to explore New York as the whole city transformed to host bridal fashion week, I immediately said yes! We made travel arrangements, nailed down final details, and I was ready to go.

My trip started right after the hurricane wedding weekend in Maymont. Nathan dropped me off at the bus station that night and I took the overnight Greyhound to the city. I was freezing and barely slept, so when I got to New York at 5:30am with severe exhaustion and rain pounding my face, all I could think about was a nice warm bed! Add in an hour trek and I fell into the comfort at the Omni Berkshire for as long as I could before my first appointment...