write better captions

Writing Compelling Captions // Social Media

So you wrote a blog, and you post it to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, waiting for people to read it. You've already taken the steps to create a linkshare and make it as interesting as possible...and yet, you know there's something more you still could be doing.

In the crazy world of social media, it always seems like a gamble to put your work out there. And in some ways, it is! Some days I feel like my posts will reach nobody, and my viewership is especially high. Other days, I'm sure my blog will be ready by EVERYONE, and a lot fewer people click than I expect. It's frustrating, to say the least, but there IS something you can do about it.

One of the most important aspects of writing a blog is the actual content. I know, that's a given. On the flipside, though, one of the most important aspects of posting your blog to social media channels is also the content - both what's in the blog and what you write about the blog to get people to click on it. Your captions can either make or break your post, and having a compelling caption could be what you need to bring your social media - and your website/blogging - to the next level.

Writing something like, "I'm so excited to share ___________!" is great, but could be better. Instead, try writing a caption that leaves your 'viewers' hanging. Give a tease of what's to come, but don't give it away yet. Think of all the articles you click on a daily basis. A lot of the time, the caption says something like "You won't believe what __________ did!" or "At first it looked hopeless, but then THIS happened."

Again, it's common sense once you think about it. The first caption will be clicked on by friends, family, and faithful followers. The second and third captions invite new viewers in, who just HAVE to know the end result. I'm not suggesting anyone writes cheesy captions, or baits people into clicking without delivering content. Use the content you have to inspire a great caption.

Here's a real example, from this post, and two example of captions I could write:
1) I love sharing social media tips. Check out one that will help you on the blog today!
2) Do you ever put your heart and soul into a blog post, only to have NOBODY click on it?  Here's how you can change that in one simple step!

The first caption isn't bad, but it's all about ME. The second caption is all about YOU, the reader, the one who I want so badly to click on my post. It took me about 5 minutes to write both of those, so this doesn't have to be time consuming. But just that one simple change will help you write better, share more, and have a higher viewership on your blog!

What social media questions do you have? What works for you - and what has NOT worked at all? I'd love to hear!

Click here for more social media tips!

Social Media Tips: How to write better captions for your blog