wedding anniversary

Happy 6th Anniversary | Personal

Happy 6th Anniversary | Personal

Dear Nathan,
Sometimes I feel like you are the one without a voice in our relationship. You long ago ditched your social media, and even such a little thing makes me feel like I talk all the time in places you never visit. When we are with strangers I am the extrovert, making conversation and meeting new people while you smile and nod and speak when you can, mostly choosing to listen. Getting together with my family is a non-stop train of words swirling around you as you contentedly sit in the midst of the whirlwind.

Yet in your quietness you speak louder than I ever could. The thing I most appreciate about you from this past year is how good of a listener you are. You truly stop everything and listen - whether it's to me or a homeless man near Walmart or a wedding vendor, you tune out the surroundings and hear every word they say. You are concerned with one thing - the person behind the words - and it is truly obvious in every interaction.

In your quietness, you have taught me so much. From you I have learned...

1,460 Days Later // Personal

Four years ago today, I felt like a princess, staring in the mirror at myself, about to be married to you. I knew that you were wonderful, and I knew that you were the man I wanted to marry. But that was 4 years ago, and since then things have changed.

Now, 4 years in, I know you so much better than I did before. I know myself better than I did back in 2011. One thing I know now, more than ever, is that marrying you was the best choice I could have made.

Yes, I knew you were selfless.
But I did not know that you would sacrifice your own happiness for mine, daily.

Yes, I knew that you loved me.
But I forgot how unlovable I could be, and how during our hardest times you pull me in to hold me close, and I know that we'll get through it together.

Yes, I knew that you were a good match for me.
But never could I have imagined that the person you would become is exactly the person who I needed, but never thought I'd have.

Yes, I knew that you were not lazy.
But I did not realize how your hard work would inspire me, and that you would do anything in your power to provide for me.

Yes, I knew that you loved God.
But I could not have known how your faith would make mine deeper, better, and richer.

Yes, I knew that you would continue to surprise me.
But I never guessed that you'd become the man you are today - strong, steady, sure, and romantic beyond my hopes.

Yes, I knew that we were best friends.
But I never foresaw that you would forever be the person I most wanted to spend time with, talk with, laugh with, and share with. 

Four years. It boils down to 1,460 days. 
1,460 chances for us to grow together, or grow apart. 1,460 chances for us to choose to serve each other or choose to serve ourselves.
Thank you for choosing me. Thank you for growing with me. Thank you for the last 1,460 days. I can only imagine that the best is yet to come.

1,460 Days Later (An Anniversary Blog)