Overall, balance is something that doesn't come easily to me. I have no problems working myself into the ground, and I rarely have a work week that totals 40 hours or less. I have to work every day at putting away my laptop and my phone to be present with my husband, or just let my brain rest after a long day of work.
When my niece and nephew were added to the mix this fall, though, I had a decision to make. With most of my weekends booked between weddings and other trips, I could either take a few days off during the week to visit those two or not see them or wait until things slow down a little in November. The choice was easy - I left work behind and drove to visit my siblings and help as much as I could.
I'm not writing this blog because I've found some magical secret that will enable you to balance your life in five easy steps. I'm writing this blog because I have learned to a certain extent how I can make decisions for myself. When my niece and nephew were born and I debated over how to manage what I had to do versus what I wanted to do, I landed on one simple question...