
Disciple Now // Event

I was trying to decide what to write about today, because I have a few different sets of pictures to post. Although a lot of you may have seen these already, I figured I should talk about Easter and Acts of Love at my church, and in doing so post about Disciple Now weekend.

​Each year, the Saturday, before Easter, my church gives away over 1600 boxes of food to families in need in the community. Of course, someone has to actually put those boxes together. That brings us to Disciple Now weekend. Each year, students go to DNow and pack these boxes so we can give them out. I've never seen it before, but it's very well organized chaos! Imagine a couple hundred kids in a room trying to fill boxes as fast as they can, bring it to a packing table, and move it outside. It's crazy, but a lot of fun, as you'll be able to see. (oh and those puppies? They're just extra cuteness)

Marriage: Up Close & Personal // Event

Over the last few weeks, I've had the privilege to switch off with Dani White and take pictures of Marriage: Up Close & Personal, a seminar at our church. It's been a blast, with 2,000+ people showing up on Wednesday nights; some married, some single, some divorced, widowed, or in other tough situations, all coming to learn about marriage and real life.

It's been so much fun to be able to plan out the sets each week, and we've had some great results. Here are a few pictures that I snapped over the course of a couple weeks. Enjoy!