The Best Business Decision I Made this Year | Business

The Best Business Decision I Made this Year | Business

Before I even start, I’ll admit that I have mixed decisions about this topic. I referenced in this blog post that I wanted to be a photographer partly so I could do all my work while taking care of however many children we had with no issues. But when the rubber met the road and I actually had to do said work while taking care of said child, things changed.

For the first year, I made it through. At the beginning, while babies wake up at night, they also sleep during the day - and Willow has always been a great nap-taker. While I was tired and stretched, I was able to find time during the day to work. It also took a long time for Willow to crawl (7-8 months) and walk (14 months), and she was generally fairly content to play with toys. I still spent plenty of time with her, but I could also work while she was awake and took full advantage of this fact.

Right around 11 months old, though, things slowly started to change…

I Never Thought I'd Do this, But... | Personal

I Never Thought I'd Do this, But... | Personal

I think you can easily guess the topic for this blog post. Through the years, especially prior to becoming a parent, there are things I swore I would never do. This involved a certain amount of pride (are my standards really that much higher than everyone else’s?) and just some general ignorance about why I might make decisions in one way versus another. In the interest of full disclosure and my constant pursuit of humility (and humor), I thought I would look back on some of the things I promised not to do…and have since decided there is a better way :) Enjoy a blog at my expense!

1) I swore I would never be religious about nap time…

The Greatest Hits of Summer 2018 | Personal

The Greatest Hits of Summer 2018 | Personal

Summer is, hands down, my favorite season. It's rare that you'll hear me complaining about anything because I love it all - the long days, the heat, the weddings, all that happens in our community, and the way everything is better when you go outside on a sunny day. Each summer has looked so different (last year we welcomed Willow home and I took a trip to Slovenia!), but each one carries memories that I will never forget. Here are the highlights from the summer of 2018…