smithfield farmers market

The Best Farmer's Markets in Hampton Roads | Hampton Roads, Virginia

The Best Farmer's Markets in Hampton Roads | Hampton Roads, Virginia

Today's post is much different than any I've done before, but I'm really excited about it! I am constantly learning and being educated whenever I can, and a course I watched from CreativeLive a couple months ago sparked the idea for this blog post, along with a few others. It was all about being helpful to people - not just by taking pictures, but providing resources to those in your area.

It was incredibly frustrating to me when I first got the desire to buy local meat, eggs, and produce that I could not find a good, solid list of farmer's markets in Hampton Roads. I wanted to see their hours, where they were, and what they sold. After a few months of searching for the list, I'm simply going to write my own! I have not been to every single farmer's market in the area, but I can tell you a few places to go and why you should visit. So, in no particular order, here are some of the best farmer's markets in Hampton Roads...