
Pixieset Online Galleries // Business

I'm not gonna lie, it seems so mundane to write a blog about ANYTHING after last Sunday's big adoption announcement! But, as they say, the show must go on :)

Back in July, I started looking at different options for image delivery to clients. I've always been a huge proponent of online galleries - it's such an easy way to share high resolution images with clients whether they are in the area or not. I can send a link over email, which anyone can then share with anyone else.

Another big benefit of online galleries is ordering prints. There is a HUGE difference between prints ordered at somewhere like Costco or Walgreens, and prints ordered through a professional printing company. I could talk about that much longer (and probably will in a future blog post), but online galleries make it so simple to order professional quality prints through one of the best labs in the country. The pricing is still very reasonable, and the quality is guaranteed.

It used to be that a DVD of images was included with photography sessions and weddings - in fact, that's how my wedding images were delivered! While there's nothing wrong with this, it is so much less user friendly to mail a DVD to a client. Once that happens...then what? If you have family in a different state, or just want to share your images with a friend, you're left the task of mailing a physical copy and hoping nothing happens to your DVD in the mail. Over time, DVDs erode and wear away, and will eventually be unreadable. Online galleries, and downloadable images, will never receive the wear and tear that physical goods will.

With that said, I've tried a few different options over the last few years. The one I've settled on as not only my favorite, but one that I can confidently send to my clients, is Pixieset. Pixieset is one of the most beautiful client galleries I have seen. With a range of options as to how I present the images, I can make sure that my client experience is fully customized from beginning to end.

Once a client receives their gallery, the options are limitless. The images can be downloaded, ordered straight from the gallery, or shared to ANY social media site you can imagine. As a client, you can favorite pictures as you go through - no more talking over the phone and trying to figure out what prints your mom wants! Just send her the link, ask her to mark her favorites, and order straight from there.

On the back end, Pixieset gives me the flexibility I want. I can control the print prices, so the price you see will match the rest of your experience with Maria Grace Photography. I can add highlights to galleries, password protect certain images if desired...the options are almost endless! All this contributes to the best possible experience for my brides and families.

Below are some examples of how Pixieset looks. Really, I think this speaks for itself! The site is mobile and desktop friendly, so there's no worries about transitioning between the two. And, as always...let me know what you think!

Pixieset Sample Online Gallery
Pixieset Sample Online Gallery
Pixieset Sample Online Gallery