our dating story

Nine Years Ago | Personal

Nine Years Ago | Personal

Dear Nathan,
I almost don't recognize us. Nine years ago today we started dating - although it took us a few days to make it Facebook official ;) I'll never forget looking at you over the steak dinner we were sharing and thinking I knew you so well, not realizing how much I had to learn. I'll never forget how you told me you were interested in me - I was sitting in Cape Town, South Africa, on a chair overlooking the water, and you were squarely in Virginia, using your internship money for long-distance phone cards.

When you worked up the nerve to tell me you liked me, I just laughed and told you I already knew that…

6 Years and One Day Ago | Personal

Let me tell you a story of a boy and a girl that began 6 years and one day ago. The girl, only 18 years old at the time, waited nervously in her dorm room for her date to come get her. The boy made a last minute trip for a single pink carnation before the first date of his entire life.

That boy is Nathan, and that girl is me. Six years and one day ago, Nathan treated me to a steak dinner. He stared at me awkwardly, not knowing what to say, not knowing how to navigate the waters of his very first girlfriend. He quietly tucked into his dinner as I chattered away, unaware of the significance this day would hold.

After dinner ended and the rain stopped, he drove me to the top of a hill. The sun was threatening to lower a little sooner than he planned, so he grabbed my hand and we ignored the mud as we climbed to the very top of that little hill in Blacksburg, Virginia. He put his arm around me and held me for a minute, rehearsing the line he wanted to say over and over in his mind.

Finally he took a deep breath and, with a shaky voice, he said, "Will you be my girl?" He meant to ask me to be his girlfriend, but it was too late - the words were out, hanging there in between two people who were little more than strangers in so many ways. I had been waiting for this question the whole summer and I confidently said yes.

That night, 6 years and 1 day ago, I said yes to many things. I said yes to teaching Nathan how to build a dating relationship. I said yes to being the first and only girl he had ever kissed. I said yes to awkward dates and not knowing what to talk about for the next few months.

That's how I viewed it at the time. But now I know...I said yes to watching a boy become a man. I said yes to being treated like gold not just during dating, but through the years of marriage. I said yes to a man who has opened his heart to my family, my friends, and all my dreams and wishes. I said yes to someone better than I could have ever hoped for, and certainly much better than I deserved.

Six years and one day ago, I said yes and never looked back.

Click here to read our story from the beginning.

Six Years and One Day Ago | Personal

The Struggles of Dating | Our Story

The Struggles of Dating | Our Story

As every person who has ever been in any kind of relationship knows, everything is not always rainbows and butterflies. Dating and marriage relationships seem to bring out the best and the worst in people, and my relationship with Nathan was no exception. As happy as we were and are, the road to where we are today is not free of bumps and bruises.

We were a little different than most couples in that we didn't actually fight during our time of dating. We did get aggravated or annoyed at each other, but the frustrations never spilled over at the same time. It seemed that if one of us was angry the other was able to stay calm, and we never dissolved into a huge argument. When I look back on that time I laugh, because we have definitely fought in our married lives together!