hiring employees

Introducing the NEWEST Team Member! | Business

Introducing the NEWEST Team Member! | Business

I never thought I would say this about myself, but I like working alone. I thrive when I can make my schedule, decide my task list, and check it off when and where I want to. Before Willow came I worked all over Hampton Roads, from one coffee shop to the next, and now that she's here the flexibility I have is a beautiful thing and what I always dreamed of. I never factored other people into my business and always thought I would run this by myself.

Over the years I have seen many other solopreneurs bring on part-time team members to do everything from social media to blogging to editing images and everything in between. I was curious how it worked and began to envision myself hiring someone in the future as my business grew. The only thing I came back to, though, time and time again, was that if I were to hire anyone I would want it to be in my family. I didn't know how this would work or when and if it would happen, but I hoped the time would come…