hampton roads family

Christopher Newport University Family Portraits | Murray Family

Christopher Newport University Family Portraits | Murray Family

This family is so very near and dear to my heart. We met them right around the time we started attending our current church, just as they were moving here from North Carolina. I saw Brittany by herself and actually thought she was a college student (yes, she looks young and acts young at heart!) and introduced myself to welcome her. Little did I know that she was married to our new families pastor, with three children of their own.

Fast forward almost two years, and these five have become fast friends. Brittany has walked through so much with me - life, marriage, and motherhood - and I am truly thankful for her friendship. Edward has been a fixture both at church and in our lives, and we are grateful for him as a friend and current Bible study leader. Together, their family is fun, kind-hearted, and just a little bit crazy in the best possible way…

Best of Families 2017 | Business

Best of Families 2017 | Business

While most of my sessions are for engaged and married couples or on wedding days, I have the pleasure of photographing many families over the course of the year. It is a joy to capture memories for people that I know and those I meet for the first time at their session. 2017 has brought everyone from couples who are expecting their first child to parents of four beautiful children.

At every session, no matter how many kids are around, I make sure that mom and dad have pictures of just the two of them to share and enjoy for years to come. Eventually, as hard as it is to believe, the kids will grow older and move out and only two will remain. Seeing the strength of these relationships, whether just a few years long or 50 years deep, is probably the greatest honor of them all.

So, without further ado, enjoy just a few of SO many favorite family portraits from 2017!

Yorktown Family Portraits | The Guerrero Family

Yorktown Family Portraits | The Guerrero Family

I have talked almost endlessly about my new church community and how much it has meant to me, and today I'm so excited to share portraits from a family I met after we joined! Catherine and I connected at a ladies' night because she was in the middle of a Whole30 and I am a little bit obsessed with helping people get through those. We only got to chat for a few minutes, but I was incredibly excited when she asked me about taking pictures for her - and getting to meet her entire family.

Taking family pictures in November is always a gamble, because the weather vacillates between being unseasonably warm and extremely chilly. The day we met in quaint downtown Yorktown was somewhere in between, with a cool wind making it feel like the perfect fall day. Catherine and Genesis were more than prepared with books and an attitude of letting the kids have fun - which always makes for the best pictures! We got plenty of nice family portraits, but some of my favorites are the moments when the family let loose a little and acted as they normally would at home...