engagement advice

Why Being Engaged Matters

Why Being Engaged Matters

I can still remember the months I spent engaged to Nathan, 7 years ago in July. On the night he popped the question we enjoyed a date at The Melting Pot, and the next day my family visited so all of us could celebrate together. We were both excited for our future to start and we couldn't wait to finally be together. I was busy finishing school and planning our wedding while he began working at his first full-time job after college.

It didn't take too long for that season to become more difficult than I imagined, however. For the first time, we had to maintain a long-distance relationship, an area in which neither of us was particularly skilled. We would see each other on the weekends as time allowed but it never felt like enough, and I often cried when it was time to say goodbye.

On top of all that the engagement felt so long, even though it only lasted 6 months. We wanted to be married so bad and we had to wait for January 22 - which felt like it was an eternity away at some points. I began to wonder in my mind why there is an engagement period at all - why not just get married right away? Of course weddings take time to plan, but I knew there had to be a better reason...

What We Do to Reconnect | Monday Musings

What We Do to Reconnect | Monday Musings

As it turns out, any relationship can grow old, stale, or contentious if you let it. I'm only six years into marriage and I still have so much to learn, but one thing Nathan and I found out quickly is that investing in our relationship always pays off in dividends. I know this looks different depending on what season of life you're in (dating, engagement, marriage, children, empty nesters, etc.) but I think it's a universal truth that the most important thing you can invest is time.

Believe it or not, Nathan and I fight from time to time ;) On most occasions we (thankfully) fight about little things that are simply a reflection of our frustration with another area in our lives, a result of being tired after a long day, or just the fact that we are human beings and things will always come up no matter what. Nathan has always been good at checking in on our marriage - how we're doing, how we feel towards each other, how life is outside of our home - and making sure we are on a good track.

Most of the time we are, but there have been times when we've sat down to look and realized our fighting and frustration is much higher than normal...