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How to Authentically Use Styled Stock Images | Business

How to Authentically Use Styled Stock Images | Business

Today on the blog I'm excited to share a post from my friend Caitlin, who recently launched a new shop with beautifully styled images for creative entrepreneurs and small business owners. Her collections provide content for blogs, social media posts, and more. I asked her to write about how even photographers can authentically incorporate stock images into their feed - even if they didn't take the image themselves! She not only answered the question but provided great marketing tips as well - keep reading to hear more!

Sometimes stock images get a bad rap. And stock images from 15 years ago probably deserved it. They were generic and cheesy. But today, there are so many options for artistic, beautifully styled stock images. And those can be used so seamlessly in your social media that the last word on anyone’s mind would be cheesy. Here are 4 ways to use styled stock images authentically.

1. Give your audience a look behind the scenes...